Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Fall K.B.L.S. Apple Beauty Recipes (For Mom & YOU!)

Imagine a freshly baked apple pie, fields of brightly colored orchards, and the crisp crunch of a Granny Smith—we just love apples in the fall! While they're mostly used for food, apples also have an interesting history in beauty, skin care, and health.
Did you know that apples and their fermented counterpart, apple cider vinegar, can be used as a digestion aid, hair rinse, and household cleaner? Enzyme-rich cider vinegar has had a long holistic history, going back to the ancient Greeks—
drink it with honey for medicinal purposes. These days, it's widely accepted in Asian cultures to drink this light vinegar to aid in digestion and neutralize the body's pH levels.

Apples have recently become a critical ingredient in stem cell technology.  Scientists claim that this specific apple stem cell strain (called PhytoCellTecMalus) can dramatically reduce wrinkles and improve the condition of the hair follicle and reduce thinning. The studies on these fruit extracts are relatively new, so there's more research to look forward to. For now, try these three KBLS beauty recipes and remember why apples are one of the most functional fruits for fall.
  1. 2 sprigs fresh rosemary
  2. 1 cup apple cider vinegar  Cold-pressed and organically grown. We like Bragg's brand—found at a health store.
  3. 3 cups warm water
Like beer, vinegar is known to leave hair shiny after a wash. Prepare your vinegar a week before doing your rinse. First, chop the fresh rosemary (used to stimulate the scalp and promote hair growth) and fill the jar with a cup of apple cider vinegar. Fill the rest of the jar with water up to the surface. Store in a cool, dry place for one week, shaking the jar often to disperse the rosemary.
After a week is up, dilute a third of a cup of your rosemary cider mixture with three cups of warm water in a bottle, and mix well. Take the bottle into the shower with you and pour all the rinse over your hair after you shampoo. Wash it out thoroughly after a few minutes.
  1. 1 tablespoon honey  Any organic brand
  2. 1/2 teaspoon wheat germ oil or apricot kernel oil Cold-pressed olive oil works too
  3. 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar  Cold-pressed and organically grown. We like Bragg's brand—found in health-food stores
This mask combines the antiseptic properties of honey and the anti-inflammatory ones of vinegar for soothed and nourished skin. Mix the honey and oil in a bowl until well blended. Then, gradually add apple cider vinegar until you have a pasty consistency. Apply the mask and let it stay on your face for 20 minutes. Rinse off with lukewarm water and pat your face dry.
  1. 1/2 fresh apple, chopped  Any kind
  2. 2 tablespoons colloidal oatmeal (finely ground particles)  Available at health-food stores
  3. 1 tablespoon buttermilk  Full fat
  4. 1 tablespoon oat starch (to thicken) Available at health-food stores
Blend the chopped apple in a blender, then slowly add remaining ingredients until the consistency is a thick liquid. Apply one or two tablespoons of the mixture to your face, avoiding the eye area. Leave the mask on for 10 to 15 minutes, then rinse off with lukewarm water. Store the extra mask mixture in an airtight container for no more than three to five days.

KBLS Tip: Apple cider vinegar is still a strong chemical, so be careful about the amount you use and the potency of your formula.
KBLS Tip: Beauties with sugar, gluten, or fruit allergies should not try these recipes.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

8th Annual World Wide Day of Play w/ K.B.L.S. & FRIENDS!

Kayla & Mom
Would like to give a special thanks to everyone who came out and participated in the great day of events @ World Day of Play!

We had a great time and look forward to the next K.B.L.S. episode

Special Thanks to::
* Arielle & Family
* Janell & Family
* Whole Foods
* And ALL our K.B.L.S. Readers & Followers!!!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Kayla~Bayla's COOL MOM PICKS! Fall is in the BAG!


Fun colors, Brilliant designs, and a BOLD statement added to the simple task of carrying and getting things around are our all time fall favorite.
Here are a few BOOK BAG selections that Kayla and I simply adored; brilliant, fun, authentic, and outrageous were the words used in Kayla’s search for the K.B.L.S. staple of a book bag…

And I would say she hit it right on the head wouldn’t you agree… What is your ideal carry around and why?

Thursday, September 22, 2011

K.B.L.S. Calendar @ a GLANCE

9/24/11    K.B.L.S.:: WORLD WIDE DAY OF PLAY w/ Nickelodeon
(Come and GET ACTIVE with the World Wide Day of Play –
It’s Fun & Free!)

10/15/11    K.B.L.S.:: Fall “Lemonhead” Photo shoot
(For all our wonderful characters who want to shine in front
 of the camera for the New season; K.B.L.S. will be bringing you an exclusive Photo shoot! *Photos will be made available to all participants) –

11/2011     K.B.L.S.:: Kid’s Day Contest
(ENTER TO WIN! One lucky child *and parent will accompany
Kayla & Friends for KIDS DAY In the MTV/Nickelodeon Studios!)  

12/2011     K.B.L.S.:: 2nd Annual Harlem Winter Skate
(We are at it again! K.B.L.S. 2nd Annual Harlem Skate –
Another year of bigger & better help us celebrate one another,
community, and good times ON ICE! *we are a talented bunch!)

* For addtional information on any of the following events listed above please feel free to contact us @

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Nickelodeon Celebrates Largest Ever Worldwide Day of Play Around The World On Saturday Sept. 24
For the past 4yrs. Kayla and her brother have been very eager participants of the “ANNUAL WORLD WIDE DAY OF PLAY” and we are excited to share the details of this year’s festivities with all our K.B.L.S. readers!

On Saturday, Sept. 24, Nickelodeon and its partners will host an entire day of activities and games for kids and their families to encourage active and healthy lifestyles. Additionally, as it has for the past seven years, Nickelodeon's networks and websites will go dark from 12 to 3 p.m. (all times ET/PT) as a signal to kids and families to get up and get active!

"Kids need to get moving every day to grow up healthy and strong," said First Lady Michelle Obama. "Whether it's hoola hooping, kicking around a soccer ball or - yes - double dutching, playing is the perfect way to keep active, stay healthy and have fun."

If you would like to join the K.B.L.S. group we will be meeting collectively @ the Riverside Park entrance from 10 – 10:30am

(Free give-a-ways and snacks will be provided through K.B.L.S.)

Nickelodeon will also be providing FUN GAMES, ACTIVITIES AND GIVE-A-WAYS

WHEN: Saturday, September 24, 2011; festivities kick off @ 10AM
WHERE: Riverside Park at 72nd Street, NYC